Obstetric Care During Your Pregnancy

Congratulations! From now, till your baby is delivered, we will be there with you every step of the way. As specialists in the field of obstetrics, we are dedicated to the welfare of you and your baby.
Antenatal Care
Throughout your pregnancy, your health and your baby's health will be monitored. The antenatal care you'll receive includes routine ultrasounds, measurements and tests in every trimester.
High-Risk Pregnancies
Dr Nair has a special interest in high-risk pregnancies, especially in twin pregnancies. Risk factors for a high-risk pregnancy can include: existing health conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, being HIV-positive or being overweight or obese.
Pregnancy Conditions
Health conditions that existed prior to conception, or even during the pregnancy, with a high risk for you and your baby will be checked for regularly. This will include (and is not limited to) blood pressure, diabetes, infections, genetic disorders and more.
Pregnancy is associated with complaints such as morning sickness, body pain, heartburn etc. We will advise you on how best to cope with such complaints.
Pregnancy Advice
While staying healthy is recommended at all times, it is imperative during a pregnancy. We will provide pregnancy advice to you on diet, exercise and medications.
Preparing For Birth
We work with a wonderful team of nurses, midwives and other healthcare professionals and together we are committed to making your big day as special as you would have hoped for.
Postnatal Care
Giving birth and bringing a baby home is a massive life adjustment. We'll support you as you settle into your new role and provide you with postpartum advice to help you get back to normal as quick as possible.
If you have any questions, call us. Or come and see us at one of our convenient locations to discuss further.